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[其他] Micros

Practicas laboratorio micromputadoras UNAM
Practicas laboratorio micromputadoras UNAM (2018-09-06, Asm, 466KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] BF

BlowFish algorithm is used to encrypt the string length 64Bit . (2014-10-09, Asm, 8KB, 下载5次)


[Linux/Unix编程] grub-0.97

Full Source grub-0.97 Compiling- sudo make
Full Source grub-0.97 Compiling- sudo make (2012-12-24, Asm, 1082KB, 下载4次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] MSP430x261x_adc12

A single sample is made on A0 with reference to AVcc. (2010-11-25, Asm, 1KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] httsha1

httsh的a1版本 比较稳定 可测试项目较多
Running on the integrated circuit tester, for the a1 version of the content is relatively stable over the whole test (2010-06-23, Asm, 30KB, 下载2次)



Based on BF-535, VDSP++, to achieve an external interrupt to change the frequency of lights (2010-06-02, Asm, 19KB, 下载5次)


[DSP编程] pll

基于DSP BF-535实验板,实现通过四个按钮改变系统时钟的功能
Experiment based on DSP BF-535 board, to achieve the four buttons to change the system clock through the function (2010-06-02, Asm, 36KB, 下载5次)


[汇编语言] filtr_wsp

One-dimensional simple filtration of SAR radar data, to run on a Analog Devices BF-538F processor.
One-dimensional simple filtration of SAR radar data, to run on a Analog Devices BF-538F processor. (2010-03-01, Asm, 6KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] PDC20618

PDC20618 Schematic for OEM_A1(7.2)
PDC20618 Schematic for OEM_A1(7.2) (2009-06-16, Asm, 77KB, 下载4次)


[汇编语言] dzz

设计一个定时显示装置,用实验仪左侧的六个LED数码管显示时间,时间显示格式为24小时制。分秒值为59分55秒时开始报时,每秒钟蜂鸣器鸣叫一声,到整点报时停止。 74系列模块;8254模块;8259模块;8255模块。 在PD32实验模块中验证正确 8254每25ms刷新依次 Q_0、Q_1、Q_2、Q_3分别与Q0、Q1、Q2、Q3相连 P_0、P_1、P_2分别与P0、P1、P2相连 74: CS1接340H,CS2接360H GATE0接+5V,CLOCK0接1.5MHZ,OUT0接IR0,GATE1接8255第四片B0,CLOCK1接93KHZ,OUT1接蜂鸣器,CS接300H,A0接地址线A2,A1接地址线A3 8259CS1接3A0H,INT1接INTR,INT-A接INTA,SP/1接+5V 8255CS4接CS-4
Shows the design of a timing device, the experimental instrument with the left side of the six LED digital time display, time display format for the 24-hour clock. Accurate value of 59 minutes and 55 seconds at the beginning of time, calls out every second buzzer to stop the whole point of time. 74 series module 8254 module 8259 module 8255 module. PD32 experimental module in the right to verify each and every 25ms refresh 8254 followed Q_0, Q_1, Q_2, Q_3 with Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3 connected to P_0, P_1, P_2, respectively, and P0, P1, P2 connected 74: CS1 access 340H, CS2 Access 360H GATE0 then+5 V, CLOCK0 then 1.5MHZ, OUT0 then IR0, GATE1 the fourth film 8255 then B0, CLOCK1 then 93KHZ, OUT1 access buzzer, CS next 300H, A0 then address line A2, A1 then take the address line A3 8259CS1 3A0H, INT1 then INTR, INT-A Access INTA, SP/1 then+5 V 8255CS4 then CS-4 (2009-05-30, Asm, 2KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] a1

This document is input in the CMD inside A1. Displayed in the CMD, using a graphics mode (2008-12-01, Asm, 1KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] testLCD

这是一个测试液晶显示的程序,测试LCD的亮灭.硬件连接如下: 3脚接偏置电阻,接个10K的可调,.RS4,RW5,E6脚接P3^3,P3^2,P3^1,程序头部有定义可根据实际修改
This is a test procedures for liquid crystal display to test the LCD (2007-09-07, Asm, 1KB, 下载2次)


[DSP编程] Power_On_Self_Test

ADI blackfin processor BF527 Ezkti test driver
ADI blackfin processor BF527 Ezkti test driver (2007-08-17, Asm, 249KB, 下载8次)


[并口编程] fet120_adc10_02

ADC10, Sample A0, 1.5V Ref, Set P1.0 if A0 > 0.2V
ADC10, Sample A0, 1.5V Ref, Set P1.0 if A0 (2006-04-19, Asm, 1KB, 下载3次)


[串口编程] fet120_adc10_01

ADC10, Sample A0, AVcc Ref, Set P1.0 if A0 > 0.5*AV
ADC10, Sample A0, AVcc Ref, Set P1.0 if A0 (2006-04-19, Asm, 1KB, 下载2次)


[DSP编程] image_scale_up_by2

ADI BF DSP 图象缩放的汇编优化源码
ADI DSP image scaling BF compilation of source code optimization (2004-11-30, Asm, 70KB, 下载39次)


[DSP编程] Fast Floating-Point Arithmetic Emulation on the Bl

ADI BF 16位定点DSP的快速浮点仿真的汇编代码
ADI BF 16-bit fixed point DSP fast floating point simulation code compilation (2004-11-27, Asm, 18KB, 下载24次)


[DSP编程] Blackfin_ImageAnalysis

ADI BF DSP的几种常用的图象滤波汇编优化后的代码
ADI BF Several DSP Image filtering compilation optimized code (2004-11-27, Asm, 325KB, 下载56次)


[DSP编程] Blackfin_FftDct

ADI BF DSP的FFT汇编优化后的代码
ADI DSP FFT compilation optimized code (2004-11-27, Asm, 255KB, 下载64次)


[图形图象] 经典程序

97年的Mekka ’97 4K Intro比赛的一等奖作品,整个程序全长4095字节
97 of Mekka 4K Intro'97 won the competition works, the whole process byte length 4095 (2004-11-25, Asm, 11KB, 下载16次)
