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[其他] HexView

Hex code viewer coded in VB6. It's simple and easy to use, and capable to adjust the width of view panel. (2017-07-07, Visual Basic, 23KB, 下载32次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] tl_mt2015-05-29

电能表一体化采集器源代码 成功抄读645-07和645-97电能表 直接GPRS上传上位机软件
Energy meter integrated collector source code (2017-01-12, Visual Basic, 1370KB, 下载25次)


[网络编程] ILI9806_BOE397_MIPI

ILI9806搭配BOE3.97 IPS 初始化代码
The ILI9806 with BOE3.97 IPS initialization code (2013-04-06, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载91次)


[串口编程] YaoHua-XK3190-A9

Data and computer serial communication, the receiving instrument, I hope hotshots and then modify it to make it better (2013-03-23, Visual Basic, 54KB, 下载35次)


[串口编程] XK3190-A9

The Yaohua XK3190-A9 loadometer serial code (2013-03-23, Visual Basic, 59KB, 下载99次)


[Windows编程] miansha

简介: 这个玩意儿是我初中的时候搞出来的。能过全世界表面的一个免杀机。 为了方便转卖,请别人给我鼓捣出来一个网络验证的。 前几天无聊,用OD载入分析了下,才发现那个人的技术相当的差劲。 OD载入: 头部显示信息如下: 004716D8 > F9 STC 004716D9 72 14 JB SHORT 鸭软无视.004716EF 004716DB BA 8550D643 MOV EDX,43D65085 004716E0 F5 CMC 004716E1 2049 83 AND BYTE PTR DS:[ECX-7D],CL 004716E4 A0 1D9AF36E MOV AL,BYTE PTR DS:[6EF39A1D] 004716E9 9C PUSHFD 004716EA A1 93ACCAA5 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[A5CAAC93] 复制代码 推断是易语言编译产生的花指令。可以使用ESP定律直接跳过。 一步一步推进,来到这一步的时候,ESP变红了: 直接HRESP。 脱壳去花不语。 脱壳后,找不到好字符串,所以把程序打开捉摸一下。
Description:         This stuff is out out of my junior high. Over the surface of the world is a Free beholder.         In order to facilitate the resale, others I tinker with it a network authentication.         A few days ago boring OD load analysis, only to find the man s technology is pretty crappy. OD loading:         The head displayed information is as follows: 004716D8> F9 STC 004716D9 72 14 JB SHORT duck soft disregard .004716 EF 004716DB BA 8550D643 MOV EDX, 43D65085 004716E0 F5 CMC 004716E1 2049 83 AND BYTE PTR DS: [ECX-7D], CL 004716E4 A0 1D9AF36E MOV AL, BYTE PTR DS: [6EF39A1D] 004716E9 9C PUSHFD 004716EA A1 93ACCAA5 MOV EAX, DWORD PTR DS: [A5CAAC93] Copy the code         The inference is easy language to compile the flowers instructions. ESP s law can be used to skip.         Step-by-step advance, came to this step when ESP turned red:       &# (2012-10-05, Visual Basic, 1141KB, 下载44次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] IPSDK-V1.00.00.97

To the security video server sdk, suitable for staff members in secondary development (2009-10-19, Visual Basic, 1873KB, 下载1256次)


[数学计算] Project1

用VB编写的多项式拟合程序 Public Function funPolynomial(Num As Long, x() As Single, y() As Single, Degree As Integer, AA() As Single) As Long 多项式曲线拟合 y=a0+a1*x+a2*x^2+an*x^n Num为输入数据点个数 x()为输入数据点横坐标组成的数组 y()为输入数据点纵坐标组成的数组 Degree为要拟合的多项式曲线次数 AA() 为待求系数,为输出项
failed to translate (2009-10-16, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载117次)


[单片机开发] 485

meter reading of a statute dlt645 procedures applicable to the Taiwan operation body (2009-07-29, Visual Basic, 32KB, 下载108次)


[Windows编程] 8.13ArcObject

用于学习A0的 主要是实现空间分析的功能在 VB的平台
A0 for learning is to achieve the main function of spatial analysis. NET platform (2009-04-27, Visual Basic, 2033KB, 下载23次)


[文件操作] Create_Excel_Workbook(BIFF8)

This is a class written in Visual Basic 6 SP6 that will create an Excel Spreadsheet (BIFF8) from scratch. It s was developed after repeated requests from users to be able to export reports from database applications to an excel spreadsheet. this class will produce a workbook from VB without having Excel installed on the client computer and can be viewed using the free Microsoft Excel 97 Viewer
This is a class written in Visual Basic 6 SP6 that will create an Excel Spreadsheet (BIFF8) from scratch. It' s was developed after repeated requests from users to be able to export reports from database applications to an excel spreadsheet. This class will produce a workbook from VB without having Excel installed on the client computer and can be viewed using the free Microsoft Excel 97 Viewer (2009-04-10, Visual Basic, 349KB, 下载38次)


[.net编程] studen

Use vb.net to program management system to prepare students, teachers to do curriculum design so that when turned over, feature comparison-wide, teachers gave them 97 points Oh (2008-05-23, Visual Basic, 2262KB, 下载35次)


[2D图形编程] PointIsR

判断点是否在区域内. Private Sub Command1_Click() 当点与任一顶点重合时,返回“不在多边形区域” Line (0, 0)-(500, 500), RGB(255, 255), BF Dim hRegion As Long Dim P() As PointAPI ReDim P(9) As PointAPI P(0).X = 10: P(0).Y = 190: PSet (P(0).X, P(0).Y), vbRed P(1).X = 400: P(1).Y = 270: Line (P(0).X, P(0).Y)-(P(1).X, P(1).Y), vbRed P(2).X = 220: P(2).Y = 70: Line -(P(2).X, P(2).Y), vbRed P(3).X = 220: P(3).Y = 30: Line -(P(3).X, P(3).Y), vbRed P(4).X = 50: P(4).Y = 30: Line -(P(4).X, P(4).Y), vbRed P(5).X = 50: P(5).Y = 70: Line -(P(5).X, P(5).Y), vbRed P(6).X = 30: P(6).Y = 70: Line -(P(6).X, P(6).Y), vbRed P(7).X = 30: P(7).Y = 185: Line -(P(7).X, P(7).Y), vbRed P(8).X = 85: P(8).Y = 85: Line -(P(8).X, P(8).Y), vbRed P(9).X = 120: P(9).Y = 200: Line -(P(9).X, P(9).Y), vbRed Line -(P(0).X, P(0).Y), vbRed
Determine the point in the region. Private Sub Command1_Click () when the points of coincidence with any one vertex, the return of not polygon region Line (0, 0)- (500, 500), RGB (255, 255), BF Dim hRegion As Long Dim P () As PointAPI ReDim P (9) As PointAPI P (0). X = 10: P (0). Y = 190: PSet (P (0). X, P (0). Y), vbRed P (1). X = 400: P (1). Y = 270: Line (P (0). X, P (0). Y)- (P (1). X, P (1). Y ), vbRed P (2). X = 220: P (2). Y = 70: Line- (P (2). X, P (2). Y), vbRed P (3). X = 220: P (3). Y = 30: Line- (P (3). X, P (3). Y), vbRed P (4). X = 50: P (4). Y = 30: Line- (P ( 4). X, P (4). Y), vbRed P (5). X = 50: P (5). Y = 70: Line- (P (5). X, P (5). Y), vbRed P (6). X = 30: P (6). Y = 70: Line- (P (6). X, P (6). Y), vbRed P (7). X = 30: P (7 ). Y = 185: Line- (P (7). X, P (7). Y), vbRed P (8). X = 85: P (8). Y = 85: Line- (P (8) . X, P (8). Y), vbRed P (9). X = 120: P (9). Y = 200: Line- (P (9). X, P (9). Y), vbRed Line- (P (0). X, P (0). Y), vbRed (2008-04-16, Visual Basic, 3KB, 下载24次)


[文件操作] vb-word

vb操作word详解 Visual Basic支持一个对象集合,该集合中的对象直接对应于Microsoft Word 97中的元素,并且通过用户界面,用户熟悉这些元素中的绝大多数。例如,Document 对象代表了一个打开的文档,Bookmark对象代表了一个文档中的书签,而Selection对象则代表了在一个文档窗口窗格中的选定内容。在Word中,每一类元素-文档、表格、段落、书签、域等等-都可以用Visual Basic的对象来表示。要在Word中自动执行任务,可以使用这些对象的方法和属性。
vb operating word explain Visual Basic support an object collection, the collection of objects directly correspond to the Microsoft Word 97 elements, and through the user interface, users familiar with the vast majority of these elements. For example, Document object represents a document open, Bookmark object represents a document bookmarks, and the Selection object represents the document in a window pane of the selected content. In Word, each type of element- documents, tables, paragraphs, bookmarks, domain and so on- can use Visual Basic to express the object. To automate tasks in Word, you can use these objects methods and properties. (2008-04-02, Visual Basic, 35KB, 下载587次)


[其他小程序] cfdc

a1 * a2 * a3 = 2450 And (a1 + a2 + a3) * 2 < 120
a1* a2* a3 = 2450 And (a1+ a2+ a3)* 2 < 120 (2007-11-17, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载31次)


[界面编程] IFC97

water and steam properties calculation software IFC international standard application program calculated by the VB Series Software (2006-04-25, Visual Basic, 1051KB, 下载545次)


[GDI/图象编程] 060403

利用Word 97为网址自动建立链接 也谈如何用WORD打印小册子 ...AutoCAD图形输出(plot)时的一个实用工具...VB通用数据表格输出程序的设计 利用Image控件实现图形浏览...
using Word 97 to the Web site automatically links also how to use Word to print pamphlets ... AutoCAD graphics output (plot), a practical tool ... VB common data output form the design process using graphics Image View Control ... (2006-04-09, Visual Basic, 1351KB, 下载91次)


[界面编程] GetAccessPwd

This is a good break Mdb documents secret procedures, right, 2000, and xp and 2003 versions for breaking secret (2006-03-12, Visual Basic, 12KB, 下载168次)


[菜单] 在WINDOWS下实现拷贝粘贴

This is my just completed JPEG2000 on the C language of some of the procedures. The wavelet transform is used transform 97. You are welcome to these proposals. (2005-08-18, Visual Basic, 4KB, 下载141次)


[波变换] n1-37

This is my just completed JPEG2000 on the C language of some of the procedures. The wavelet transform is used 97 transformation, which is also part of MQ decoding some of the problems. You are welcome to these proposals. (2005-08-18, Visual Basic, 16KB, 下载198次)
