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按分类查找All 编译器/解释器(28) 

[编译器/解释器] ICTCLAS

Calculate the Chinese Lexical Analysis System ICTCLAS. Segmentation correct rate of 97.58 percent (973 Expert Group on Evaluation), the recall rate of identification of unknown words were higher than 90 percent, of which China s name to identify the recall rate of nearly 98 percent processing speed for 31.5Kbytes/s. Also features ICTCLAS is: can output a number of high probability that there are a variety of output formats, to support the North-of-speech tagging sets, 973 expert group is given a collection of-speech tagging. (2004-04-13, Visual C++, 3067KB, 下载844次)


[编译器/解释器] cortex_a9-DOC

ARM CORTEX A9 开发手册打包下载 部分为中文手册,包含《NEON 向量化编译器指南》《编译器用户指南》《编译器参考指南》《汇编程序指南》
ARM CORTEX A9 development manual packaged download, part of it are Chinese manual (2012-02-07, C/C++, 24814KB, 下载567次)


[编译器/解释器] ADV7171B

ADV7171 在BF553上测试通过 大家开下了
ADV7171 in BF553 testing through all of the under (2006-08-27, Visual C++, 41KB, 下载32次)


[编译器/解释器] A1

自上而下语法分析器设计 (2010-01-07, Visual C++, 239KB, 下载11次)


[编译器/解释器] bf

brainfuck language interpreter, we can say is the most feature a simple interpreter. Modify the bug, deleted invalid code. Interpreter automatically extended memory, there is no code and data length limitations. (2012-04-26, C/C++, 2KB, 下载9次)


[编译器/解释器] fanhuibian

用C写的反汇编程序: 举例: Input the instructions ended with @: LW $T1, 0($A0) ADD $T0, $ZERO, $ZERO R0: ADDi $T0, $ZREO, 1 SLT $T2, $T0, $A1 BEQ $T2, $ZERO, RR ADD $T2, $T0, $A0 LW $T2, 0($T2) ADD $T1, $T1, $T2 J R0 RR: ADD $V0, $T1, $ZERO JR $RA @ 00000000: 8c890000 00000004: 00004020 00000008: 20080001 0000000c: 0105502a 00000010: 11400004 00000014: 01045020 00000018: 8d4a0000 0000001c: 012a4820 00000020: 08000002 00000024: 01201020 00000028: 03e00008 Press any key to continue
disassembling program with C (2011-04-24, C/C++, 227KB, 下载6次)


[编译器/解释器] MKT-Writer-E5_v3.39

Mikkon Programmer Tool
Mikkon Programmer Tool (2011-01-06, Others, 617KB, 下载6次)


[编译器/解释器] 74HC148_DataSheet

8到3译码器 74HC138是一款高速CMOS器件,74HC138引脚兼容低功耗肖特基TTL(LSTTL)系列。 74HC138译码器可接受3位二进制加权地址输入(A0, A1和A2),
8-3 decoder 74HC138 is a high-speed CMOS, 74HC138 pin compatible with low power Schottky TTL (LSTTL) series. 74HC138 decoder accepts three binary weighted address inputs (A0, A1 and A2), (2011-08-01, C++, 39KB, 下载4次)


[编译器/解释器] A7.pdf

Introduction to the compiler s theory (Spanish).
Introduction to the compiler s theory (Spanish). (2012-11-10, MultiPlatform, 31KB, 下载4次)


[编译器/解释器] EE

Classifying a1 and a2 logic zero whether it is true. Prepared by the procedures used VC2010 compiler (2013-04-18, Visual C++, 24KB, 下载2次)


[编译器/解释器] brainfck

brainf×ck的一种解释器。Brainf*ck,是一种极小化的计算机语言,它是由Urban Müller在1993年创建的。由于fuck在英语中是脏话,这种语言有时被称为brainf*ck或brainf***,甚至被简称为BF。
brainf × ck an interpreter. Brainf* ck, is a minimization of the computer language, it is by Urban Müller in 1993 created. As the fuck is the bad language in English, this language is sometimes referred to as brainf* ck or brainf***, has even been referred to as BF. (2008-05-12, C/C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[编译器/解释器] SP_Flash_Tool_v3.1328_Win

1燒TWM Android A5S 2手機工具SP Flash哈哈 3分享燒手機工具 4可用TWM Android A1/A2/A3/A4/A5S/A6手機 5 版本V3.1328SP Flash 6處理器MT65XX
1well,burn TWM A5S mobile haha 2version3.1328SP Flash 3processor MT65XX 4share burn-in mobile tools haha 5 used TWM Android A1/A2/A3/A4/A5S/A6 mobile (2018-03-02, WINDOWS, 7246KB, 下载1次)


[编译器/解释器] 7020grbrs_A1

34536fghfhfdghf fghfgh fghfgh fghfgh f
34536fghfhfdghf fghfgh fghfgh fghfgh f (2015-05-27, C++ Builder, 182KB, 下载1次)


[编译器/解释器] DIR-300A1_FW105b09

download d-link dir-300 A1
download d-link dir-300 A1 (2014-03-15, Unix_Linux, 2268KB, 下载1次)


[编译器/解释器] AP61

download d-link dir-300 A1
download d-link dir-300 A1 (2014-03-15, Unix_Linux, 149KB, 下载1次)


[编译器/解释器] bf-native

使用llvm lite作为编译器后端编写的brainf*ck编译器
A brainf*ck compiler written using llvm-lite as a compiler backend (2022-09-15, Python, 3KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] bf-llvm

简单的BF到LLVM IR编译器实现,供实践和参考。
Simple BF to LLVM IR compiler implementation for practice and reference. (2018-05-31, C, 3KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] Eso-Code

A short program that can compile native esolang code into an exe by converting it into C code and compiling with GCC. (2021-03-02, C++, 79565KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] arm-cortex_a7-linux-gnueabi

Linaro GCC 2014 4.9.2内核编译工具链
Linaro GCC 2014 4.9.2 Toolchain for kernel compilation (2014-11-10, C, 111401KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] arm-cortex_a7-linux-gnueabihf-linaro_4

Linaro GCC 4.9 Toolchain针对Cortex-A7 cpu进行了优化
Linaro GCC 4.9 Toolchain optimized for Cortex-A7 cpu (2015-07-15, C++, 71574KB, 下载0次)
