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[Windows编程] DCconvertIII

in 2 bytes using USCI_A, sent with the LSB first. I set the loopback bit UCLISTEN so that they are also received in the USCI_A and displayed on the LCD. The listing shows how the USCI_A0 is
in 2 bytes using USCI_A, sent with the LSB first. I set the loopback bit UCLISTEN so that they are also received in the USCI_A and displayed on the LCD. The listing shows how the USCI_A0 is (2020-02-28, C/C++, 123KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] HW04Soln

provide yet another thermometer as an example in Listing 10.13. This uses the ADC12 in SCI_A0 is
provide yet another thermometer as an example in Listing 10.13. This uses the ADC12 in SCI_A0 is (2020-02-28, C/C++, 437KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] BF

Data structure code,for reference only,BF algorithm (2019-11-20, Visual C++, 1079KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 2596936_eepb_E6_2

Energy-efficient improved PEGASIS routing protocol implemented by MATLAB (2019-05-29, matlab, 2KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] BIOS_Acer_1.15_A_A

BIOS Implementation Test Suite (BITS) ACER E5-471PG BIOS_Acer_1.07_A_A ACER E5-471PG BIOS_Acer_1.11_A_A ACER E5-471PG BIOS_Acer_1.13_A_A ACER E5-471PG BIOS_Acer_1.15_A_A
BIOS Implementation Test Suite (BITS) ACER E5-471PG BIOS_Acer_1.07_A_A ACER E5-471PG BIOS_Acer_1.11_A_A ACER E5-471PG BIOS_Acer_1.13_A_A ACER E5-471PG BIOS_Acer_1.15_A_A (2019-01-05, WINDOWS, 3514KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] BM

写出Berlekamp-Massey算法的函数BM(a,N), 其中参数a = (a0, a1, a2,…, aN?1)为一条有限序列, N为该序列长度, 函数返回值是有限序列的线性复杂度和生成a 的反馈多项式。
Calculating feedback polynomial of bit data sequence (2018-01-24, C#, 1KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] reverseArray_singleblock

反向阵列(单块)-- 给定指针d_a中的输入数组{a0,a1,...,an-1},将反向数组{an-1,an-2,...,a0}存储在指针d_b中 A: 从“reverseArray_singleblock”模板开始 B: 只有一个线程块启动,以反转一个大小的数组 N = numThreads = 256个元素 C: 第1部分(共1个):所有你需要做的是实现内核的“reverseArrayBlock()” D:每个线程将单个元件移动到相反的位置, 从d_a指标读取输入,在d_b指标中将输出存储在相反的位置
Reverse array (single block) - the input array {a0, A1,..., an-1} in the given pointer d_a, the reverse array {an-1, An-2,..., a0}, stored in the pointer d_b A: starts with the "reverseArray_singleblock" template B: has only one thread block to start to reverse an array of sizes N = numThreads = 256 elements C: first parts (1 altogether): all you need to do is implement the kernel's reverseArrayBlock ()" D: each thread moves a single element in the opposite position, reads input from the d_a index, and outputs the output in the opposite position in the d_b index (2017-06-24, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] WBS

Home Offices (General Contractor, Architect Engineer, Sub Contractors) System Engineering A0 Main Components Specifications A1 Control, Supervision and Protection A2 Auxialiaries … Station Engineering … Civil Engineering Structural Mechanical
Home Offices (General Contractor, Architect Engineer, Sub Contractors) System Engineering A0 Main Components Specifications A1 Control, Supervision and Protection A2 Auxialiaries … Station Engineering … Civil Engineering Structural Mechanical (2016-04-15, Others, 8KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 081-elif-without-expression

Compute a0, dadx and dady for a linearly interpolated coefficient, for a triangle.
Compute a0, dadx and dady for a linearly interpolated coefficient, for a triangle. (2015-07-19, Unix_Linux, 5KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] virtuanessrc097

virtuanessrc 0.97 源码
virtuanessrc 0.97 Source (2010-12-20, C++, 588KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] E6_1_5_3

读.DAT文件写入TXT 并通过柱状图显示,仅供参考
vc (2010-06-04, Visual C++, 1978KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] a0_007

Pascal basic evaluation, find the perimeter and area of rectangles. (2009-11-09, Pascal, 2KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] duoxiangshixiangjiawenti

编写一个程序,实现两个一元多项式相加。要求: (1)多项式用链表存储 (2)多项式相加必须使用单独的函数实现 (3)输入时只要求输入各项的系数和指数 (4)结果输出形式如下 F(x) = an*x^n + an-1*x^(n-1) + … + a1x + a0
The preparation of a program to realize the sum of two polynomials a dollar. Requirements: (1) polynomial using linked list storage (2) the sum of polynomial to use a separate function (3) input only requires the input of the coefficient and index (4) the results of the output format is as follows F (x ) = an* x ^ n+ an-1* x ^ (n-1)+ ...+ a1x+ a0 (2009-05-04, Visual C++, 170KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 8.13ArcObject

用于学习A0的 主要是实现空间分析的功能在 VB的平台
A0 for learning is to achieve the main function of spatial analysis. NET platform (2009-04-27, Visual Basic, 2033KB, 下载23次)


[Windows编程] aoVB

用于学习A0的 主要是实现空间分析的功能在.NET的平台
A0 for learning is to achieve the main function of spatial analysis. NET platform (2009-04-27, Visual Basic, 415KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] aofenxi

用于学习A0的 主要是实现空间分析的功能在.NET的平台
A0 for learning is to achieve the main function of spatial analysis. NET platform (2009-04-27, Visual Basic, 285KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] yan0_miss_V1.36

YUN0 software, MOTOE6 phone assistants, code calls show to cable, (2008-08-06, C/C++, 813KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] SpeechClock11654

结合"61板"的三个按键完成带有语音播报功能的电子钟: // 1、KEY1--按一下播放年、月、日,再按一下播放时、分 (I/O口A0) // 连续按3s,则进入调整状态 调整状态下调整内容的切换 // 2、KEY2--年、月、日、时、分的增加(I/O口A1) // 3、KEY3--年、月、日、时、分的减少(I/O口A2)
combination "61 boards" to complete th ree key functions with voice broadcast electronic bell :// 1, KEY1-- by about players, month, day and broadcast press once,- (I/O A0)// by consecutive 3s, then a state of adjustment adjustment adjustment under the content switching// 2. KEY2-- the year, month, day and hour of the increase in hours (I/O A1)// 3, KEY3--, on that day, when the reduced hours (I/O A2) (2006-07-21, Visual C++, 135KB, 下载16次)


[Windows编程] 97waveletstransformthreepromotionalgorithms.SPIHT

97 wavelet transform algorithm SPIHT three-tier upgrade version. SPIHT. Image processing wavelet transform aspects. (2006-06-18, Visual C++, 3910KB, 下载152次)


[Windows编程] XpMenu3.1

OFFICE 2000/97 菜单
OFFICE 2000/97 menu (2004-11-01, C++ Builder, 99KB, 下载76次)
