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[WEB开发] aspqqonline

You can add a floating window QQ online consultation for your ASP site s home page, you can add an unlimited number of customer service QQ, real-time display online status QQ (QQ number and color of the icon to distinguish colors, red line, not online for gray or black ), the visitor can click on the QQ instant message or chat with an agent (2016-03-20, C++ Builder, 26KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] JoekoeV66

乔客在线 Joekoe V6.6 免费版运行环境: ASP
Joe Joekoe V6.6 Free Online guest operating environment: ASP (2016-03-08, C++ Builder, 1442KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Weboffice2.0

1. 六级分类(总经理、副总经理、总经理助理、部门经理、职员、客户服务),且各级权限亦有不同。 2. 员工自我总结提交,以待上级批注。 3. 公司计划发表,让员工及时知悉公司运行情况。 4. 完全自控且不为他人查看的个人工作日志。 5. 公司所有客户资源分类存贮、产品试用及客服联系资料。
1. The six categories (president, vice president, assistant general manager, department managers, staff, customer service), and have different levels of permissions.         2. The employee self-summary submitted, pending the higher notes.         3. The company plans to issue for staff to be informed of the operation of the company.         4. Fully controlled and not for others to see personal logbook.         5. All customer resource classification storage, product trials and customer service contact information. (2016-03-07, C++ Builder, 212KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] hotel-V1.6

用于旅店管理 酒店管理也可以 主要是办公管理代码
For hotel management hotel management can also be mainly office management code (2011-08-15, C++ Builder, 1573KB, 下载3次)
