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[游戏] 小鸟觅食

Using left and right keys and spaces to control birds and take off to avoid crows to eat fruit, there are two kinds of difficulty selection and ranking function. (2018-03-11, C++ Builder, 39460KB, 下载1次)


[游戏] 网关

梦幻西游全民pk防御网关 可以直接设置开服列表了
Fantasy Westward Journey national PK defense gateway, you can directly set up a list of open clothes (2017-06-24, C++ Builder, 1059KB, 下载23次)


[游戏] wxxyx_jsg_v0.1

该软件是以html5语言进行编写的微信小游戏源码,里面没有广告,需要添加可以再首页index,htm首页文件里面添加。 微信朋友圈小游戏接水果,适合做微信营销引流用的!
The software is written in language html5 WeChat game source code, there is no advertising, you may need to add another page index, htm page document which added. Micro-channel circle of friends small game pick fruit, suitable for micro-channel marketing with drainage! (2016-02-24, C++ Builder, 5723KB, 下载1次)
