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[数据库管理工具] HotelManagement

Explore my Hotel Management System project, a robust application built with Java, JavaFX, MySQL, and CSS. This comprehensive system allows users to seamlessly reserve hotel rooms through an intuitive interface. With distinct user and admin pages, it caters to both guests and administrators. (2024-02-17, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] Hotel-Management-System

酒店管理系统是一个基于Java的应用程序,具有MySQL数据库和Java UI。管理员可以访问所有酒店数据,而接待员可以...,
The Hotel Management System is a Java-based app with MySQL database and Java UI. Admins can access all hotel data, while receptionists can allocate rooms and generate bills. Features include room and billing management, reporting, and easy installation. Suitable for small-medium sized hotels. (2023-08-16, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] TravelZilla

Online Trip Management System where a admin can manage the tours, trips, packages and hotels and a Customer can make a booking, payment and also give feedbacks. (2023-03-07, Java, 390KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] hotel_java

Hotel RMNY是我用Java构建的一个酒店管理软件,它具有GUI(JavaFX)和数据库(PostgreSQL)。...
Hotel RMNY is a hotel management software I built with Java – it features a GUI (JavaFX) and a database (PostgreSQL). The software allows customers to book rooms and services to Hotel RMNY. An admin, password protected console can be accessed to manage the hotel’s components. (2021-05-13, Java, 349KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] HotelRooms-Reservation-J2EE

Development of a web application for booking rooms in hotels with an admin part for the control and confirmation of reservation requests using J2EE in BackEnd and HTML CSS and a Template in FrontEnd with PhpMyAdmin for the Database (2021-09-05, Java, 1587KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] E-shop

运动服电子商务商店。使用Spring Boot和Angular.JS,PostreSQL数据库登录并注册管理员...
E commerce shop for sports wear. Made it with Spring Boot and Angular.JS, PostreSQL database Login and register Admin page - for adding new product,deleting product Customer page - for listing the products, add to shopping cart (2021-08-31, Java, 212KB, 下载0次)
