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[论文] 2518

Library management system based on SpringBoot+MySQL+Vue (attached paper), administrator, user role, etc. Combine with the latest popular spring boot framework. Use MySQL database and Eclipse development environment. The Arbor library management system includes users and administrators. Its main functions include administrator: home page, personal center, user management, book classification management, book information management, book borrowing management, book return management, payment of fines management, message board management, system management; user: home page, personal center, book borrowing management, book return management, payment of fines management, my collection management, front desk home page; Home page, book information, announcement information, message feedback, personal center, background management and other functions. This paper gives a detailed introduction to the development background of Abbott Library Management System, and introduces the system development technology (2024-06-01, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] HotelManagementSystem

Academic project - Java applet providing tools for Hotel Managers to keep track of customers and reservations. Utilizes MySQL on the UBC server. (2018-02-26, Java, 1615KB, 下载0次)


[论文] academico-matriculas2022

东方计划与目标的探索与构想学术项目。O negócioésobre是一个很好的选择...
Projecto académico para explora??o de conceitos de Programa??o Orientada a Objectos. O negócio é sobre a gest?o do processo de matrículas, com requisitos fundamentais como (2022-06-08, Java, 14KB, 下载0次)
