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[搜索引擎] expo-seon

expo-seon,, (2023-03-14, Java, 946KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] Porsche_Search_Engine

Establish a search engine primarily based on Porsche, where entering any keyword will lead to search results related to both the keyword and Porsche. (2021-01-06, Java, 703KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] SupeV_1.0_Beta2

supeV 是Comsenz 开发的一套视频播客系统,基本上囊括了现阶段主流视频网站所拥有的全部功能,如视频的上传、播放、分享等应用,此外还包括用户的博客空间、个人专辑、最新最热关注等增加用户体验的细节功能。此外, SupeV 还采用了独特的站外引用机制、高性能模板机制、搜索引擎完美收录技术、AJAX 技术等
upeV is Comsenz developed a set of video podcast system, basically encompasses all the features of mainstream video site owned by this stage, such as video upload, playback, sharing and other applications, in addition to including the user s blog space, personal albums, the latest Heat concerns such as increased user experience functional details. In addition, SupeV also uses a unique station outside the reference mechanism, high performance template mechanism, search engine indexed perfect technology, AJAX technology (2013-12-22, Java, 8646KB, 下载6次)


[搜索引擎] introduce-to--search-engine

Liang Bin, search engines started to write the classic book " into the search engine" , author NTU graduate, and now pursue a Ph.D. degree in Tsinghua University (2011-08-19, Java, 23693KB, 下载20次)
