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[界面编程] 阳光酒店管理系统

找不到项目,或者简历上没有什么项目可以写的,可以试试这个项目。 (2022-05-20, Java, 5388KB, 下载0次)


[界面编程] Uninstall_app

Silent batch uninstall an Zhuofei built-in app source and traditional Android application uninstall will turn directly jump to the system application details screen, click the uninstall it before one of the unloading, this example to uninstall applications don t need pop-up application management interface directly silent uninstall mobile non built should be used, user experience good and support more than one app selection uninstalled together, but run time will apply root privileges, root privileges to uninstall. (Ps. in addition to try to uninstall the 360, failed to explain is not a panacea, but unloading ordinary app more than sufficient) default annotated version 4.2.2 GBK encoding source code compilation. (2016-07-05, Java, 1745KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] QAApplication

something like stock for dongfangcaifutong (2016-03-02, Java, 4708KB, 下载5次)


[界面编程] jquery-ui-1.8.11

jquery-ui_1.8.11,jQuery 的页面UI 插件,包含很多种常用的页面空间,例如 Tabs 、日期选择、颜色选择、拉帘效果、数据排序、窗体大小调整、对话框、拖放效果等等非常多的内容。平时不少网站的菜单、选项卡或滑动门菜单等效果,都是直接应用jQuery Ui来完成的,你甚至不需要额外再美化,它一向是简洁、实用、漂亮的。
jquery-ui_1.8.11, jQuery UI plug-in page, the page that contains a variety of common space, such as Tabs, date selection, color selection, pull the curtain effect, data sorting, resizing forms, dialog boxes, and so much drag effect more content. Many websites usual menu, tab or sliding menus and other effects, jQuery Ui is a direct application to complete, and then you do not even need additional landscaping, it has always been a simple, practical, beautiful. (2014-11-24, Java, 1228KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] sunhotel

Sunshine Holiday Hotel website interface design is very beautiful and the whole atmosphere, the hotel has a friend wanted to websites can make a reference. (2013-12-12, Java, 6019KB, 下载4次)


[界面编程] whiteboard-applet

工作原理 ---- 电 子 白 板 有 两 种 实 现 模 型, 一 种 是 无 白 板 服 务 器, 因 此 仅 支 持 两 个 用 户 直 接 连 结; 另 一 种 是 有 白 板 服 务 器, 原 则 上 不 限 制 同 时 上 线 人 数 和 交 谈 室 个 数, 具 体 实 现 上 可 视 服 务 器 性 能 和 需 要 而 定。 本 文 要 介 绍 属 于 后 者。
The working principle has two realize whiteboard model, a server is no whiteboard, so supports only two users a direct link the other is the white board the server has not, in principle, at the same time limiting the number of on-line chat rooms and the number of concrete realization of on the visualization server performance and needs. This article is to introduce the latter. (2008-06-05, Java, 47KB, 下载18次)
