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按分类查找All 处理器开发(4) 
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[处理器开发] Airsticks

Airsticks是我(伊丽莎白·博伊尔)、克里斯蒂安·奇利科夫(Christian Tchilikov)和迪尔伯恩(Dearborn Plys)的一个项目。它使用加速计、扬声器、STM32...
Airsticks was a project by myself (Elizabeth Boyer), Christian Tchilikov, and Dearborn Plys. It uses accelerometers, a speaker, an STM32 MCU, and a board we created. The user puts the velcro cuffs onto a pair of drum sticks and - based off of the orientation and acceleration of the sticks- can play through drumset samples. (2023-12-08, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[处理器开发] GoKartComDia

博世ECC的PS-EC ESF1在GoKart上实现的AUTOSAR ComDia模块模拟器
AUTOSAR ComDia module simulator implemented on GoKart by PS-EC ESF1 at Bosch ECC (2023-11-07, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[处理器开发] STM32H750XBH6_Template

基于反客STM32H750XBH6核心板(FK750M5-XBH6-SDRAM)的CLion + CubeMX + CMake + OpenOCD的外部Flash下载算法模板,
External Flash download algorithm template of CLion+CubeMX+CMake+OpenOCD based on anti passenger STM32H750XBH6 core board (FK750M5-XBH6-SDRAM), (2023-09-25, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[处理器开发] an-http-demo-on-BL602

Some examples of Bouffalo Lab BL-IoT-SDK. 几个博流 BL-IoT-SDK 的使用示例,可供参考。
Some examples of Bouffalo Lab BL-IoT-SDK Several examples of blog streaming BL-IoT SDK are available for reference. (2022-04-22, C, 124KB, 下载0次)
