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[大数据] OrderMe

单单快解决大数据时代的巨量订单,通过服务商-客服- 订单三级管理模式对用户和订单进行操作,使得各个角色之间分工明确,工作内容清晰明了。自主设计数据库,并完成各个角色之间的级联关系,对于数据库进行了优化,如数据库连接池、多个索引作用数据库。
We can quickly solve huge orders in the era of big data, and operate users and orders through the three-level management model of service provider customer service order, so that the division of labor between each role is clear and the work content is clear. The database is designed independently, and the cascade relationship between various roles is completed. The database is optimized, such as database connection pool and multiple index databases. (2021-09-08, Vue, 4856KB, 下载0次)
