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[Node.js] vue-admin-master

vue- admin是一个后台管理系统,后端主要由node(egg.js),MySQL,JWT,Sequelize,前端主要由vue全家桶,elementUI编写的通用后台管理系统,暂时功能包括用户鉴权,用户管理,角色管理,菜单管理,博...
Vue admin is a backend management system, with the backend mainly composed of node (egg. js), MySQL, JWT, Sequence, and the front-end mainly composed of Vue Family Bucket and ElementUI. The temporary functions include user authentication, user management, role management, menu management, blog (2023-04-06, Vue, 742KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] Incognicasts

StormHacks 2021的匿名播客和语音聊天应用程序,用户可以在其中启动和加入播客和聊天...
An anonymous podcast and voice chatting application for StormHacks 2021 where users can start and join podcasts and talk about any struggles they are going through without risking their jobs, professional and private life. The application fetched CometChat API with Vue.js, Node.js and HTML/CSS. UI was designed using Figma. (2022-01-19, Vue, 7357KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] FullStack-Booking-system

这是用Node JS MongoDB后端和VueJS(Vuetify)前端开发的酒店预订系统。我们使用了MongoDB...
This is Hotel booking system developed with Node JS/MongoDB backend and VueJS(Vuetify) frontend. We have used MongoDB database and firebase Authentication. (2019-04-29, Vue, 1979KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] hotalPro

Graduation Design Hotel Management System vue+node.js (2021-03-09, Vue, 9685KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] hotel_manage

VUE Family Bucket Hotel Management System, with Node.js express framework used in the backend (2019-05-09, Vue, 13242KB, 下载0次)
