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[博客] gin-vue-blog

Golang 全栈博客,支持 Docker Compose 一键部署。基于最新前后端技术栈 Vue3、TS、Unocs 、Redis 等。前端包含博文展示前台、博客后台管理系统。后端包含 JWT 鉴权、RBAC 权限控制等。代码质量高...
Golang full stack blog supports one click deployment of Docker Compose. Based on the latest front-end and back-end technology stacks Vue3, TS, Unocs, Redis, etc. The front end includes the blog display foreground and blog background management system. The back-end includes JWT authentication, RBAC permission control, etc. High code quality (2023-06-05, Vue, 18465KB, 下载0次)
