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[直播] mikgeek-knowledge-server-manage-ui

米柯极客知识付费系统是基于Laravel10+Vue3开发的一套新零售直播 点播知识付费系统,集分销推广关系管理+营销+直播的知识类电商系统,能够快速积累客户、会员数据分析、智能转化客户、 有效提高销售、吸引流量、网络营销、品牌推广的一款应用,全端开源!!!
Mico Geek Knowledge Payment System is a new retail live broadcast on demand knowledge payment system developed based on Laravel10+Vue3. It is a knowledge-based e-commerce system integrating distribution and promotion relationship management+marketing+live broadcast. It can quickly accumulate customers, analyze member data, intelligently transform customers, effectively improve sales, attract traffic, network marketing, and promote brands. It is open source at all ends!!! (2024-03-20, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[直播] LiveEducation

Nankai University&Jisuanke 2017 Summer Training Guangzongyao Group Project - Education Live Broadcast Platform (2022-12-08, Vue, 24000KB, 下载0次)
