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[语音合成] vitkart

VITKART是一款专门为VIT博帕尔大学学生设计的电子商务应用程序。此移动应用程序将可在Google Play Store和Apple App Store上下载。VITKART的主要目标是为学生提供一个方便的平台来购买和销售各种基本物品。
VITKART is a dedicated ecommerce application designed exclusively for the students of VIT Bhopal University. This mobile application will be available for download on both Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. The primary objective of VITKART is to provide a convenient platform for students to buy and sell a wide range of essential items. (2023-12-22, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[语音合成] DSC-Events-App

一款应用程序,让学生了解即将在DSC VIT博帕尔发生的新事件
An app to let the students get notified about the new events that are happening Going to happen at DSC VIT Bhopal (2020-12-20, Dart, 77KB, 下载0次)


[语音合成] mini_vtop

Mini VTOP is an unofficial VIT Bhopal University VTOP website app that uses the power of WebView to create a user-friendly app. (2023-01-31, Dart, 708KB, 下载0次)
