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[汇编语言] syee55

//***此程序为调试通过的源程序 //***由南京赛博电子有限公司提供 //***文件名:sy0606.C***// //***是51系例单片机的最小系统 //***有AT89S51/52的在线下载功能 //***IIC总线芯片为24C02,记存密码
//*** This procedure through the source code for debugging //*** by Syber Electronic Co., Ltd. Nanjing //*** file name: sy0606.C***////*** 51 lines cases of the smallest single-chip systems have //*** AT89S51/52 online download //*** IIC bus chip for the 24C02, keep password (2008-11-12, C/C++, 2KB, 下载1次)
