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[其他行业] zzdgm

The old version of WordPress Taobao guest theme, measured can be used to facilitate development. (2017-06-05, PHP, 600KB, 下载2次)


[其他行业] yiwang-php

亿网旅游网站管理系统是由PHP+MYSQL架设的网站,后台编辑器使用FCKeditor编辑器 。 管理功能: 1、旅游线路分类详细、后台添加线路、在线预订。 2、酒店按各地划分,后台直接添加,提供在线预订功能。 3、景点介绍、当地风俗民情后台添加完成。 4、在线留言 后台管理留言信息。 5、新闻发布 在线发布新闻,后台管理新闻内容。 6、旅游服务。。。等等!!!自己去发现。 演示地址:http://demo.ewliao.cn/lvyou/ 如发现BUG请到论坛提出http://bbs.ewliao.cn 安装地址:http://你的域名/install.php 安装完成后请把install.php删除。 后台登陆地址:http://你的域名/admin/admin_login.php 你也可以把sql.sql数据导入数据库,然后配置db.php里面的设置。 后台管理和前台管理用户名:admin 密码:admin 注意:安装完成后一定要把install.php删除。
100 million Web travel site management system is set up by the PHP+ MYSQL web site, the background editor using FCKeditor editor. Management features: 1, travel routes classified details, background add a line, online booking. 2, Hotels around the division of background added directly to provide online booking capability. 3, Places of Interest, the local customs and habits and to add the background to complete. 4, on-line Message Manage voice messages. 5, press release online press release, background management of news content. 6, travel services. . . And so on! ! ! Themselves to be discovered. Demo Address: http://demo.ewliao.cn/lvyou/ If found please BUG Forum http://bbs.ewliao.cn Installation Address: http:// to your domain name/install.php after installation is complete, please delete install.php. Background landing address: http:// to your domain/admin/admin_login.php You can also sql.sql data into a database, and then configure the settings db (2010-02-23, PHP, 977KB, 下载117次)


[其他行业] tao

" Love Amoy bar Taobao off" is a love of Amoy from the bar for customer-specific user Taobao facilitate the development of a commodity, and shops to spread the message of the site system. You only need to download Taobao passenger system is installed, you will have a separate passenger and promote the site Taobao. System Integration Taobao off several promotional model: merchandise, shop, search, channel, theme, etc., and the system has also joined the Taobao customer data is automatically invoked function. (2010-01-30, PHP, 356KB, 下载18次)
