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[网络编程] jquery左侧可隐藏的QQ在线客服代码

Website QQ dialog box style code... (2018-12-20, PHP, 119KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] 9813988

Bo-Blog16Final rar 博克 1 6 (2017-10-09, PHP, 715KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] ADcode_v1.0

This program is a domain name authorization system, and Amoy Empire s authorized service-side function is basically similar. (2016-11-07, PHP, 21KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] eyhcchat

功能简介: 网页对话 -> 即时解答客户疑问,提供在线咨询 离线留言 -> 客服人员不在线时,支持离线留言,让客户随时能够与网站客服人员保持联系 聊天记录 -> 客服人员可以随时查到历史聊天记录 聊天管理器 -> 可同时与多个客户交谈,并实现完美切换 多席位管理 -> 支持多席位,主帐号具有工号管理功能,可以组建小型的网上呼叫中心 客服图标设置 -> 支持10套风格的客服图标,并可以设置浮动/固定样式 访问统计 -> 访客信息统计、来源与被访页面统计、访客脚印跟踪 用户名:admin 密码:admin
Function Description: Web page dialog-> real-time answers to customer queries, providing online consultation Offline Message-> customer service staff is not online, offline message support, allow customers at any time with customer service personnel to maintain contact site Chats-> customer service staff can be found in the history of chats Chat Manager-> can talk with multiple clients and to achieve a perfect switching Multi-seat management-> to support the largest number of seats, the main account management capabilities with its work, you can set up a small call center online Icon Customer Service Settings-> support for 10-style Service icon, and can set up a floating/fixed-style Access Statistics-> visitor information statistics, visit the source of the page with statistics, visitor tracking footprints User name: admin Password: admin (2009-07-22, PHP, 1080KB, 下载55次)


[网络编程] zhy20070406170840313

Hotel management system, php version. Network version. Room management system. (2008-05-30, PHP, 358KB, 下载80次)
