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[Linux/Unix编程] podcastr

A simple podcast downloader that can be run on a cron job., (2015-06-30, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] docker-compose-php-mysql-nginx

使用 Docker-compose 整合 PHP MySQL Nginx 服務
Use Docker compose to integrate PHP MySQL Nginx services (2022-03-22, PHP, 18KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] 聚合客服27.8.0

1、无缝对接人人商城等其他类型的商城,实现聊天界面实时显示商品信息 2、采用客服系统主流的socket机制技术,实时对话实时刷新,并非ajax轮询查询数据库(消耗大量服务器资源) 3、可对接N个公众号、小程序,且每个公众号、小程序还可添加N个客服(客服组) 4、客服一个工作台,回复多种客户来源,例如PC、手机浏览器、公众号网页、小程序内客服咨询、APP内咨询、公众号窗口事件 5、自动回复,发送语音、表情、图片,常见问题,客服转接,满意度评价等细节功能应有尽有
1. Seamless connection of Renren mall and other types of shopping malls to realize real-time display of commodity information in chat interface 2. Using socket mechanism technology, the mainstream of customer service system, real-time dialogue and real-time refresh, not Ajax polling query database (consuming a lot of server resources) 3, can be docking N official account, small program, and each official account, small program can also add N customer service (customer service group). 4, mobile phone official account, a reply to a variety of customer sources, such as PC, mobile browser, official account page, customer service consultation in small program, APP internal consultation, public window event. 5. Automatic reply, sending voice, expression, picture, FAQ, customer service transfer, satisfaction evaluation and other details 6. Pull down for more details~~ (2020-03-19, PHP, 3852KB, 下载14次)


[Linux/Unix编程] CMS index

Website style source code, upload to build a free professional shopping mall (2019-11-18, PHP, 4KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] TbkDgMaterialOptionalRequest

淘宝api,用于淘宝客,DK文件 + Dome PHP版本的
TbkDgMaterialOptionalRequest (2018-09-26, PHP, 2KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] dfsjwxxtcx_v2.1

东方数据小偷程序是一款非常简单,采集非常给力的小说小偷程序。同样,我们程序对服务器环境的要求也是非常的简单,无论你是Linux服务器还是 windows都没有问题。
Oriental data thief program is a very simple, very powerful collection of novel thief program. Similarly, our program requirements on the server environment is very simple, whether you are a Linux server or windows are no problem. (2016-12-03, PHP, 354KB, 下载1次)


[Linux/Unix编程] DedecmsV55-UTF8-Final.tar

Taobao lead-off site source, very powerful, but also do other aspects of Web site. (2010-01-07, PHP, 4686KB, 下载79次)
