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[汇编语言] taoshop

解压后,首先打开config.php进行配置,并将程序中所有的淘客推广ID换成您的ID。 然后上传到你的网站空间上即可使用,无需MYSQL数据的支持! 推荐安装在网站根目录下。 如果您的主机是Linux,您还需要保证“商品缓存目录”和“列表缓存目录”为可写(即设为777属性),Windows系列可以不用设置。 ######################## //特别说明 本程序部分代码参考了taob123.cn(或者是taoke.sd265.com)的淘客程序。 如果您需要修改本程序或进行二次开发,敬请保留http://www.gouwu172.com/ 的链接
After decompression, first open the config.php to configure and program all of the Amoy-off promotion of ID replaced with your ID. Then upload to your web site space to use, without the support of MYSQL data! Recommended installed in the Web site' s root directory. If your host is Linux, you also need to ensure that " commodity cache directory" and the " list cache directory" is writable (that is, set to 777 properties), Windows series can not set up.########################// Special instructions part of the code of this procedure with reference to taob123.cn (or taoke.sd265.com) of the Amoy-off procedures . If you need to modify the program or secondary development, please keep the link http://www.gouwu172.com/ (2010-01-23, PHP, 282KB, 下载8次)
