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[其他书籍] Python项目开发实战 第2版

This book is from the real development site, is the experience summary and wisdom crystallization of beproud's many geeks in real projects. Starting from the construction of Python environment, the author introduces the development method, project management and review, testing and efficient deployment, server debugging and other contents of web application. It covers all aspects of Python project development process as far as possible, which helps developers to establish an orderly production environment, improve development efficiency, and make programming get twice the result with half the effort. In addition, Python is just a carrier in this book, and many knowledge points are also applicable to non python. (2020-12-14, Python, 14005KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] Python编程从入门到实践

Python programming from introduction to practice + Python Programming quick start + Python geek project programming (2020-06-02, Python, 12210KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] Python project development actual combat_Code

Python project development actual combat_Code Python BePROUD (2017-10-23, Python, 133KB, 下载3次)
