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[Web商城] hotel-management-api

使用FastAPI和Tortoise ORM设计的酒店管理系统的API服务。还集成了用于处理付款的条带
An API service for a hotel management system designed using FastAPI and Tortoise ORM . Also integrated stripe for handling payments (2023-11-16, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web商城] Hotel-Managment-System-Final-Project

In this hotel management system python project We are living in a digital world so online booking rooms For this reason companies and college students like to develop system projects In this category wise hotel management system This system has a total of six modules Main Dashboard, Room Details, Reserve Details, Payment Info, Contacts, Exit (2023-06-10, Python, 164KB, 下载0次)


[Web商城] Food-Ordering-System

A mini project in Python to implement Food ordering with login, signup, search by food, search by hotel, payment functionalities. (2021-11-28, Python, 3KB, 下载0次)
