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[文章/文档] DjangoAPI

Source files of Django uploaded in 计蒜客 of assignment of Software Engineering in the spring semester of junior (USTC 2020 spring),
Source files of Django uploaded in accounting for assignment of Software Engineering in the spring scanner of junior (USTC 2020 spring), (2020-05-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] doc_downloader

Download the documents of Douding, Taodou, Daokebaba, Originality and Golden Hoe, and automatically convert them to PDF, (2023-05-22, Python, 0KB, 下载6次)


[文章/文档] py-scraping-analysis-book

博碩文化「Python 網路爬蟲與資料分析入門實戰」範例程式碼
Sample code for the "Python web crawler and data analysis introduction practical application" of the Bosch and Master s culture (2020-09-25, Python, 16094KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] MultiFrame

Multi window test, which is used for the usage and execution results of multi window related library (2020-07-13, Python, 14KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] StaticBitmap

Static image test for static image correlation library usage and execution results (2020-07-13, Python, 13KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] SizerTest

Time test is used to test the complete usage and execution result of time related library (2020-07-13, Python, 11KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] TimerDemo

Time test is used to test the complete usage and execution result of time related library (2020-07-13, Python, 9KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] Python 编程基础和网络爬虫

phython学习书籍,Python 编程基础和网络爬虫
a textbook for studing phython (2020-06-09, Python, 7191KB, 下载9次)


[文章/文档] Python极客项目编程

《Python极客项目编程》里面讲解了一些很好玩的项目。 利用参数方程和turtle模块生成万花尺图案; ● 通过模拟频率泛音在计算机上创作音乐; ● 将图形图像转换为ASCII文本图形; ● 编写一个三维立体画程序,生成隐藏在随机图案下的3D图像; ● 通过探索粒子系统、透明度和广告牌技术,利用OpenGL着色器制作逼真的动画; ● 利用来自CT和MRI扫描的数据实现3D可视化; ● 将计算机连接到Arduino编程,创建响应音乐的激光秀。
Python Geek Programming explains some interesting projects. Using parametric equation and turtle module to generate a kaleidoscope pattern; Create music on computer by analog frequency overtone. Converting graphics and images to ASCII text graphics; Write a three-dimensional drawing program to generate 3D images hidden in random patterns. Through exploring particle system, transparency and billboard technology, using OpenGL shader to produce realistic animation; 3-D visualization using data from CT and MRI scans; Connect the computer to Arduino programming to create a laser show that responds to music (2019-06-27, Python, 6273KB, 下载8次)


[文章/文档] AI Bible(Deep Learning)

The book is divided into three parts, the first part is the application of mathematical and machine learning based. When initially with the above theoretical basis, it is open the door deep learning. The second part is the modern practice of the deep web. The third part is the theoretical research of deep learning, suitable for want result reason, researchers studying internal principle of neural network learning. (2018-02-21, Python, 27380KB, 下载8次)
