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[中间件编程] HotelApp

它是简单的酒店预订Web应用程序。为前端使用HTML CSS JS,为后端使用Spring Boot框架,为数据库使用MySQL。
It is Simple Hotel Booking Web Application. Using HTML CSS JS for Frontend and Spring Boot framework for Backend and MySQL for DataBase. (2024-01-27, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] www.myworld.net.cn

客采集系统是由工作在顶级门户网站的几名资深高级工程师利用爬虫技术(蜘蛛机器人,spider)、分词技术和网页萃取技术,利用URL重写技术、缓存技术,使用PHP语言开发的一套能根据设置的关键词自动抓取互联网上的相关信息、自动更新的WEB智能建站系统。利用 博客采集系统
Customer acquisition system is working in top-level portal site crawler technology, the use of several senior engineers (spider robot, spider), sub-word extraction technology and web technology, the use of URL rewriting, caching techniques, the use of a set of PHP language development Key words can be set automatically according to grab the relevant information on the Internet, automatically updated WEB intelligent Station system. Acquisition system using blog (2009-12-08, HTML, 997KB, 下载4099次)
