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[图标/字体] The_Grand_Hotel

Grand Hotel是一个(虚构)酒店网站。该网站是用纯HTML5和CSS3创建的。布局是通过Flexbox构建的。谷歌字体和字体使用了令人敬畏的外部资源。
Grand Hotel is a (Fictional) Hotel Website. The Website is created with pure HTML5 and CSS3. Layout is structured via Flexbox. Google Fonts and Font Awesome external resources are used. (2024-06-30, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图标/字体] conferencePage

This project is based on an online website for EXPO DUBAI 2K20. The about-page can be accessed from the homepage with the About link. The homepage can be accessed from the main logo, or the home icon on the about-page. Also, on the mobile version , both these pages can be accessed through the hamburger menu . (2022-03-18, HTML, 11654KB, 下载0次)
