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[Windows编程] youceqq

jQuery right side to hide QQ online customer service code is based on jquery-1.9.1.min.js production, you can hide the arrow buttons on the right side of the page, click on the button to hide expand, compatible with mainstream browsers. (2016-06-24, HTML, 102KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] QQCheck

QQ靓号选号,一个原创js小品 公司当时要弄一个客服qq,于是做了一个小网页,使用xmlhttp获取qq号码列表;并且还有娱乐功能!可以过滤凶号,右键点击号码可以测算凶吉…… 不提倡封建迷信,不提倡跨省追捕!!!
No.选号Liang QQ, a small-scale companies at the time of original js to get a customer service qq, then do a small web page, use xmlhttp to obtain a list of numbers qq and there is entertainment! Can filter No. fierce, right-click the number can be measured凶吉... ... not to promote feudalism and superstition, not to promote inter-provincial hunt! ! ! (2009-05-16, HTML, 3KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] float-drag-js-for-qqonline-20

QQ在线客服程序 可随意条浮动的
QQ在线客服procedures can be freely floating (2008-06-15, HTML, 12KB, 下载16次)
