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[SQL Server] roject-jsp-sqlServer-TaichungCityUrbanDevelopment

Taichung Urban Development Bureau - Urban Design Service Network (2024-01-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Hotel-Management-System

Efficiently manage your hotel experience with our system. Access special offers, reserve rooms, and explore amenities through a user-frie… (2024-01-11, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] daima

此为建库和查询代码 针对 了解数据库和 数据库实验使用 逻辑结构设计 将E-R图转换成关系模式: 管理员(编号,账号,密码,权限) 房 间(编号,类型,价格,状态,入住客户编号) 客 户(编号,姓名,性别,年龄,身份证号,住址,入住时间,预计天数,房间编号,退房时间,押金,住宿费,登记人) 管理员房间管理(管理员编号,房间编号) 管理员客户管理(管理员编号,客户编号)
This is the code for building a database and query the database and the database to understand the logical structure of experimental design will use the ER diagram into relational schema: manager (number, account number, password, permission) rooms (number, type, price, status, check account number) Customer (ID, name, sex, age, ID number, address, Check, expected number of days, room number, check-out, deposit, accommodation, registration person) room management administrator (administrator ID, room number) management member of client management (administrator number, customer number) (2011-06-12, Others, 1KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] ExjsHotel

是关于酒店管理的一个系统。是用C#和SQL SERVER做的
On a system of hotel management. Is C# And do SQL SERVER (2008-12-25, Others, 2908KB, 下载2次)
