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[.net编程] TaodzTopApi

程序采用asp.net 2.0进行开发,全自动应用最新淘客api,自动采集信息,无需手工更新,全站基本免维护,坐等收钱。
The procedures used to develop asp.net 2.0, automatic application of the latest scouring off api, automatic collection of information, without having to manually update the whole station is basically maintenance-free and wait for the money. (2013-01-16, Others, 1832KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] yonkly-18784

Yonkly 是一个新颖的多媒体社区型微博客程序。支持直接在帖子中上传照片。并且集成Picasa和Flickr,可以在自己的帐户页面中查看这两个网站的照片墙,但是并不能将照片墙中的照片发布到帖子中去,所以本人觉得,这种集成其实只是鸡肋。 但是,与Twitter一样用户可以自定义网站背景,并且Yonkly还集成了Twitter,可以自动将您在Yonkly发布的内容同步发送到Twitter上。不过没有RSS发帖功能,比起Sharetronix的RSS发帖功能,我还是跟倾向于能把其它地方的内容发布到这里的RSS发帖功能。 Yonkly支持直接用Facebook账户登录,并且有一套完善的好友邀请系统,可以方便的邀请Facebook、GMail、Twitter中的好友,当然通过电子邮件发送邀请函也在其中。 关于后台管理功能,Yonkly就要强大一些了。可以方便的管理用户、更改网站配色、管理广告代码,还有数据统计系统。
Yonkly is a novel multimedia community-based micro-blog program. Support for direct upload photos in the post. And integrated Picasa and Flickr in their own account page to view photos of the two sites wall, but not be able to post photos to the photo wall posts, so I think, this integration is just tasteless. However, with Twitter users can customize the background of your site, and Yonkly also integrated Twitter, publish the content you Yonkly can automatically sync sent to Twitter. But no RSS Posting than Sharetronix RSS Posting feature, I still released elsewhere with tend to be able to content to the RSS Posting feature. Invitation Facebook Yonkly support direct use Facebook account to log in, and a perfect set of friends invitation system, you can easily GMail in Twitter friends, of course, sent by e-mail invitation was among them. With regard to the the backstage management functions, Yonkly necessary powerful. Users can easily change the website color management ad code, data s (2013-01-11, Others, 626KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] BlogoMVC

本源码轻松拥有功能强大的个人或者企业博客。轻松实现博客显示,博文排序、博文管理、博文评论等功能。 用户账号:zy 密码:123
This source easily have a powerful personal or corporate blog. Easily blog Bowen sort Bowen, management, Bowen comments. User account: zy Password: 123 (2012-10-29, Others, 2859KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] PowerTalkBox1

Online Service source C#, powerful, strong secondary development (2012-09-23, Others, 1327KB, 下载17次)


[.net编程] taobaoke_mysql_v2.12.0505-(2)

程序采用 .net 4.0 + MSSQL/MYSQL 进行开发,全自动应用淘客api,自动转换淘宝客链接,支持批量更新、批量导入,支持网站关键字动态化设置、url伪静态动态设置、广告动态设置(支持各大联盟广告代码发布)、可将淘宝客商品设置成广告产品形式展播等功能。并且支持关键词广告位竞价功能,可通过支付宝直接支付功能。
Program using asp.net 4.0+ MSSQL/MYSQL development, automatic application tao guest API, automatic conversion taobao guest links, supports batch update, batch import, and support website key word set, url pseudo static dynamic dynamic Settings, advertising dynamic Settings (support each big league AD code released), but will clean out treasure guest goods set to advertising products form show etc. Function. And support keyword advertising a bidding function, can be through the pay treasure paid directly to function. (2012-05-06, Others, 4495KB, 下载13次)


[.net编程] filecontrol

Document management system, document management system wave-off, you can effectively manage the files. (2011-06-30, Others, 976KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] HOTEL

A simple hotel management system, functions can also be only the realization of the function of small (2008-10-11, Others, 1482KB, 下载7次)
