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[区块链开发] Pub_Pricing_Analysis

Pricing Analyst working for a pub chain called Pubs "R" Us . I have been tasked with analyzing the drinks prices and sales to gain a greater insight into how the pubs in your chain are performing. (2024-02-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] Solidity-Basics

solidity all basics fundamentals. Writing smart_ contracts or, OOPs, Array, Varriables, Mappings and geeting and settings functions creations. (2023-11-09, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] everchain

Everchain is a blockchain underlying technology platform independently developed by Chain Square Technology Co., Ltd. Chain Square is a financial technology company that integrates world-class blockchain technology to create a supply chain finance blockchain platform. The company gathers the most influential blockchain geeks and supply chain finance experts, collaborating with financial institutions, major brand enterprises, and brand enterprises to supply (2018-05-25, Others, 1KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] pow-er

pow-er,pow-er翻译计划 是一个翻译优质区块链文章的社区,文章来源为 Web3极客日报 上的英文分享文章,内容覆盖区块链技术、Defi、Dao等领域。
The pow er, pow er translation program is a community that translates high-quality blockchain articles, sourced from English shared articles on Web3 Geek Daily, covering areas such as blockchain technology, Defi, Dao, and more. (2023-03-27, Others, 2591KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] blockchain

Blockchain, A Brief Introduction to Geek Time in Blockchain (2019-05-14, Others, 308125KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] chenyuEbook

chenyuEbook,1000多个电子书涉及方向有C C++、java基础、java服务端、php、Go、C#、python、前端(小程序、uniapp、跨平台...)、Android ios、数据结构和算法、面试、linux入门、linux c c++服...
ChenyuEbook, with over 1000 e-books covering topics such as C++, Java Fundamentals, Java Server, PHP, Go, C #, Python, front-end (mini programs, uniapps, cross platforms...), Android iOS, data structures and algorithms, interviews, Linux Introduction, Linux C++Server (2021-12-13, Others, 10KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] awesome-supply-chain

Curated list of awesome supply chain blogs, podcasts, standards, projects, and examples. , (2022-08-20, Others, 4KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] carchain

Car Chain 汽车链是连接汽车后市场各行业服务的生态链。 汽车链以车辆OBD接口数据为依托,将车辆的基础信息、车况数据、行驶数据和维修保养数据、保险数据、交通违章数据、加油数据和过户数据等标准化并打包上链,利用分布式账本+智能合约技术实现数据上链后的价值奖励,为车主创造“行驶1公里、奖励1积分、价值1毛钱”的奖励;同时为车联网运营商和汽车后市场服务商创造额外的增值服务。 区块链+人工智能和大数据技术将为交通管理部门提供交通状况预测和智能城市管理。 ,
The Car Chain is an ecological chain that connects services from various industries in the automotive aftermarket. The automotive chain relies on vehicle OBD interface data to standardize and package the basic information, vehicle condition data, driving data, maintenance and repair data, insurance data, traffic violation data, refueling data, and transfer data of the vehicle, and uses distributed ledger and smart contract technology to achieve value rewards after the data is added to the chain, creating rewards for "driving 1 kilometer, rewarding 1 point, and worth 10 cents" for car owners; Simultaneously creating additional value-added services for vehicle networking operators and automotive aftermarket service providers. Blockchain, artificial intelligence, and big data technology will provide traffic management departments with traffic condition prediction and intelligent city management. (2019-11-19, Others, 71KB, 下载0次)
