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[Telnet客户端/Shell] SSH-based-hotel-management-system-1

基于SSH的酒店管理系统拥有三种角色 管理员:用户管理、房间分类管理、房间信息管理、开房管理、退房管理、开房和预订记录查询等 前台:房间分类管理、房间信息管理、开房管理、退房管理等 用户:预订房间、查看预订记录、修改个人信息等,
The SSH based hotel management system has three roles as administrator: user management, room classification management, room information management, room opening management, check-out management, room opening and reservation record query, etc. Front desk: room classification management, room information management, room opening management, check-out management, etc. Users: booking rooms, viewing reservation records, modifying personal information, etc, (2023-09-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Telnet客户端/Shell] Hotel-Management-System-Based-on-SSH-8

基于SSH的酒店管理系统拥有两种角色 管理员:房间管理、房型管理、客户管理、预定管理、入住管理(到店入住、预定入住、正在入住)、账单管理、会员管理、评论管理、员工管理、结账、换房等 用户:分类查看房屋、预定房屋、登录注册等,
The SSH based hotel management system has two roles as administrator: room management, room type management, customer management, reservation management, check-in management (check-in, reservation, check-in), bill management, member management, comment management, employee management, checkout, room change and other users: classified view of houses, reservation of houses, login and registration, etc, (2023-09-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
