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[ICQ/即时通讯] MyQQ-(2)

基于sql server数据库实现基本通信的QQ,带有窗体动画和靠边停靠等效果。
Basic communication QQ, based on the sql server database with a form animation aside docked. Effect. (2012-06-26, Others, 11313KB, 下载5次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] Z-Robot.QQRobot.0009.Update2(1)

欢迎使用V客网络提供的QQ机器人服务。 QQ机器人工作原理:好友QQ(Q群)发消息到机器人人QQ,QQ机器人将内容发送到接口(回调文件)中处理内容,再将内容返回到好友QQ(Q群)实现自动“聊天”。当需要主动发消息时,例如论坛提醒,则可以调用Api来发送)。
Welcome to V QQ robot customer service provided by the network. QQ robot works: Friends QQ (Q group) message to the robot who QQ, QQ robot will send the contents to the interface (callback file) to handle the content, then content to return to the friends QQ (Q Group) automatic " chat." When you need to take the initiative message, such as forums to remind, you can call Api to send.) (2011-06-09, Others, 2085KB, 下载71次)
