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按分类查找All Linux/Unix编程(2) 
按平台查找All C++(2) 

[Linux/Unix编程] TestSegy

segy读写程序,我是在阿果石油网里下的, 一个c++的读写segy的程序,如果在做关于地震方面的可以下下值得一看哦,
segy reading and writing process, I was in the Arab-Israeli fruit oil net under a c++ reading and writing segy procedures, if done on the earthquake area can under the circumstances to see Oh, (2008-11-16, C++, 4KB, 下载183次)


[Linux/Unix编程] KD611

KernelDriver發展套件,客戶可直接存取USB硬體,並更快為Windows 98、Me、2000、XP、NT、Windows CE.NET和Linux作業系統發展高效能的USB裝置驅動程式。這些工具提供圖形導向的發展環境、使用簡單的應用程式界面、硬體診斷工具和範例程式,可以排除研發瓶頸,讓裝置驅動程式的發展更容易。
KernelDriver development kit, customers can directly access the USB hardware, and faster for Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, NT, Windows CE.NET and Linux operating systems to the development of high-performance USB device drivers. These tools provide graphics-oriented development environment, the use of a simple application program interface, Hardware diagnostic tools and examples of programs that exclude research and development bottlenecks, device driver development easier. (2007-05-21, C++, 9210KB, 下载10次)
