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[文章/文档] Design-Pattern

23种设计模式学习笔记,代码设计使用c++和java两种语言实现。文档结构和说明代码参考传智播客王保明老师的培训讲义,扩展案例使用java语言实现,参考了 [http: www.runoob.com design-pattern de...](http: www.runoob.com design- pattern design-pattern-tutorial.html)
Learning notes for 23 design patterns, with code design implemented in both C++and Java languages. The document structure and explanatory code refer to the training handout of Teacher Wang Baoming from the Chuanzhi podcast, and the extended case is implemented in Java language. Reference is made to [http: www.runoob.com design pattern de...] (http: www.runoob.com design pattern design pattern tutorial. html) (2019-08-29, C++, 238KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] hotel_manage

C++ 酒店管理系统 一个简单的酒店管理系统,运用了数据库存储信息。可以进行酒店的预定,查询。房间的查询,预定等。
C++hotel management system. A simple hotel management system, using the database storage information. We can make a hotel reservation and inquire. Room inquiries, reservations and so on. (2018-01-12, C++, 12KB, 下载3次)
