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[Windows编程] 0243388

工具栏按钮的应用及通过主框架对象获取按钮坐标位置的方法-主框架对象聚合了工具栏和状态栏对象,因此可以通过对主框架对象提出服 (2017-09-17, C++, 44KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] FF_EX

【要求】设计数据,编写相应函数,实现排名。 1. 根据排球联赛的原始数据,选择需要的,按合适的格式存入数据文件。 2. 设计数据类,从数据文件读取数据。 3. 按积分规则,计算积分,并给出分阶段、分组的排名(第一阶段/第二阶段),存入结果文件。 【原始数据】 2011-2012赛季全国男排联赛赛程赛果
A C++ EXERSISE FOR 2011-2012 VOLLEYBALL (2014-10-29, C++, 34KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] TickSrv

在Windows CE下示範了使用超級終端機的服務,監視Windows CE裝置上的port1000的位置,並且當任何應用程式連線時,提供目前的時間和系統自上次重新設定後所經過的毫秒數。
Under the Windows CE model in the use of super-service terminals, surveillance, Windows CE devices port1000 position, and when any application to connect to provide the current time and the system since the last re-set after a few milliseconds after . (2008-05-16, C++, 819KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] SkinBuilder

皮服好工具。快来下吧 一定不是假的。快快来吧。
Good tool for leather clothes. Come, are you definitely not false. Come quickly. (2008-04-16, C++, 313KB, 下载18次)


[Windows编程] 排队问题的系统仿真

题目内容:使用队列模拟理发馆的排队现象,通过仿真手法评估其营业状况。 基本要求: 假设理发馆内设有N把理发椅,可同时为N位顾客进行理发。对于在营业时间(假设为T小时)内进门的顾客: *当顾客进门时,若有空椅,则可以立即坐下理发,否则需要依次排队等候。 *一旦有顾客理完发离去时,排在队头的顾客便可开始理发。 *若理发馆每天连续营业T小时,求一天内顾客在理发馆内的平均逗留时间 *顾客排队等候的队列平均长度。 *营业时间到点后仍需完成服务的收尾工作时间。
topics as : the use of cohort simulation barber's shop, the queues, through simulation methods to assess its financial situation. Basic requirement : Suppose N Barber Library has put barber chairs, as well as for customers, N barber. For hours (assuming T-hour) entering customers :* When customers come through the door, if empty chairs, they can sit down barber immediately, otherwise needs were queuing up.* Once customers Jimmy End made to leave, the first in the queue of customers will start barber.* If the Barber Museum consecutive business day T-hour day for customers in the barbershop where the average length of stay* Customers waiting in line for the average queue length.* Hours after the close of the service needs to be done finishing time. (2005-12-16, C++, 61KB, 下载126次)
