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[企业管理] vf0060

-------摘要-------- 酒店管理管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS),其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。对于前者要求建立起数据一致性和完整性强、数据安全性好的库。而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备,易使用等特点。 经过分析,我们使用 MICROSOFT公司的 VISUAL Foxpro 开发工具,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具,尤其是数据窗口这一能方便而简洁操纵数据库的智能化对象,首先在短时间内建立系统应用原型,然后对初始原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成用户满意的可行系统。 关键词:VISUAL FOXPRO 6.0 酒店管理 数据库
Summary--------------- Hotel Management System is a typical management information system (MIS), including the development of its background of the establishment and maintenance of the database front-end applications, as well as the development of both. The former set up the requirements for data integrity and consistency of strong data security a good library. For the latter applications require full-featured and easy to use and so on. After analysis, we use MICROSOFT s VISUAL Foxpro development tools, provided by the use of a variety of object-oriented development tools, in particular, the data window can be simple and easy to manipulate intelligence database objects, first of all in a short period of time to establish systems Application of the prototype, and then on the initial prototype system iteration needs, and improving constantly, until the formation of a viable system of customer satisfaction. Key words: VISUAL FOXPRO 6.0 Hotel Management Database (2009-03-09, VFP, 994KB, 下载24次)
