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[其他书籍] daolibai

本 文在 吸 取 和 借 鉴 国 内外 研 究 成 果 的 基 础上,以加拿大 Quanser公司生产的旋转倒立摆系统为研究对象 ,基于模糊方法设计 了控制器 ,并进行实验验证。可看出该模糊控制器具有良好的控制效果。
Based on research results and draw on lessons on rotation to Canada Quanser company s pendulum system as the research object, the method based on fuzzy controller was designed and conducted experiments. It can be seen that the fuzzy controller has good control effect. (2015-07-02, PDF, 262KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] quantitative-trading-strategies

Quantitative trading strategy, Wall Street quants writing, may be worth considering. (2013-04-12, PDF, 3009KB, 下载88次)


[其他书籍] szczerba_robert

szczerba_robert (2012-11-24, PDF, 178KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] boyidashizhibiaobiancheng-

Master Index by Trade Technical programming tutorial, individual investors can have lessons learned programming indicators to facilitate the observation market. (2011-04-19, PDF, 164KB, 下载10次)


[其他书籍] Network_security_and_management_exercises_answers

Network security and management exercises answers。 (2010-10-14, PDF, 230KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] UP-TECHPXA270-S

北京博创的PXA270 XCALE处理器实验手册
Beijing Bo Chong processor PXA270 XCALE Experimental Manual (2010-02-24, PDF, 681KB, 下载17次)


[其他书籍] quartus2

您现在阅读的是 Quartus II 简介手册。 Altera® Quartus® II 设计软件是适合 单芯片可编程系统 (SOPC) 的最全面的设计环境。 如果您以前用过 MAX+PLUS® II 软件、其它设计软件或 ASIC 设计软件,并且准备改用 Quartus II 软件,或如果您对 Quartus II 软件有了一些了解但想进一步了解 它的功能,那么本手册非常适合您。
You are now reading the Quartus II brochure. Altera ® Quartus ® II design software is suitable for single-chip programmable system (SOPC) the most comprehensive design environment. If you have previously used the MAX+ PLUS ® II software, ASIC design software or other design software, and is prepared to use Quartus II software, or if you have some idea of Quartus II software, but would like to learn more about its capabilities, then this manual is for you. (2009-11-08, PDF, 3024KB, 下载10次)


[其他书籍] Wireless_Communications_Stanford_Andrea_Goldsmith

无线通信经典书籍,风行全美著名高校的经典教科书之一,作者Andrea Goldsmith教授毕业于加大伯克莱分校,为信息论领域新一代权威,历经十年完成本书写作.工科通信信息信号等专业硕博研究生必备参考书.
Wireless communications, edited by Prof. Andrea Goldsmith (2009-09-21, PDF, 2503KB, 下载36次)


[其他书籍] liyongle-xianxindaishujiangyi

李永乐: 线性代数讲议,新东方学校培训资料
liyongle-xianxindaishujiangyi (2009-09-07, PDF, 720KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] SFTCC06002

上海索服电子科技有限公司Cadence 资料供大家学习
Trihexyphenidyl served on Cadence Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. information for them to learn from (2008-11-04, PDF, 104KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] GD01DataSheet

南京博芯电子技术有限公司GDO1开发板使用说明. 1 版权说明 2 概述 3 存储器 4 外围设备 5 电源, 接插件,指示灯和端口 6 SEP3203 芯片简介 7 系统初始化说明
Nanjing Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Bo GDO1 core development board for use .1 copyright note 2 outlines 3 memory 4 peripheral equipment 5, power supply, connectors, lights and port 6 SEP3203-chip system initialization About 7 Help (2008-06-01, PDF, 895KB, 下载5次)


[其他书籍] mainSFA

SCATTERING, RADIATION AND PROPAGATION OVER TWO-DIMENSIONAL RANDOM SURFACE,小仓老师关于随机泛函博散射的专著,除在日本京都大学作为教科书资料外,此文章作为一个章节撰写在1996年的PIER(电磁研究进展)14的第三章。
SCATTERING, RADIATION AND PROPAGATION OVER TWO-DIMENSIONAL RANDOM SURFACE, Kokura teachers Bo functionals on random scattering of monographs, with the exception of Kyoto University in Japan as a textbook of information, this article as a chapter written in 1996 PIER (Electromagnetic Research) 14 Chapter III. (2008-05-30, PDF, 6130KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] 07xdf

2007 Oriental English handouts, including vocabulary, reading, Gestalt, interested persons can look at taking tests for (2007-03-25, PDF, 1364KB, 下载12次)
