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[OA办公系统] RestAppt

酒店,餐厅订座小程序,客户可以在小程序内进行卡座 包厢(不同规格大小)的订座服务,可进行小沙发卡座、大沙发卡座、多人桌、包间桌等各种类型的订座,同时完成不同时间段的预约, 前后端完整代码包括餐厅动态,菜品推介,新菜上市,预约订座,我的今日订座,后台订座管理与时段设置,订座名...,
Hotel and restaurant reservation applet allows customers to reserve seats in card seats and boxes (different specifications and sizes) in the applet. They can reserve seats in various types, such as small sofa card seats, large sofa card seats, multi person tables, and private rooms. At the same time, they can complete reservations in different time periods. The front and back end complete codes include restaurant dynamics, food promotion, new dishes coming on the market, reservation, my reservation today, backstage reservation management and time setting, reservation name, (2023-02-19, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] todomvp

Minimum Viable Pizza (2015-06-17, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
