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[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] Booking-hotel-app

该应用程序是一个旅游网站,允许您登录、过滤、搜索、排序酒店,并选择所需的酒店或在地图上指定您最喜欢的地方。通过HTML、CSS和React.js实现。在这个项目中,我使用json API处理数据,Axios库用于发布,并从json数据中获得它们,我还使用了React路由器dom和上下文。本项目
This app is a tourism site that allows you to log in, filter, search, sort hotels, and choose the desired hotel or specify your favorite places on the map. Implement by HTML, CSS, and React.js. In this project I used json API for data with Axios library for post and got them from the json data also I used react router dom and context. This projec (2024-01-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] travisor

A travel advisor app that helps travelers suggest hotels, restaurants, and beautiful places around the globe. The app is built using react, react-router-dom, material-UI Google Maps API, rapid API etc. (2021-12-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
