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[Redis] leyouCity

LeyouCity, using the full set of SpringCloud components, distributed authorization centers implemented using JWT combined with asymmetric keys, FDFS as image servers, integrated WeChat payment, ES providing search services, and using rabbitmq to notify ES to operate product data indexing and generate static pages (thmeleaf template engine) to the server (2023-05-14, JavaScript, 15237KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] recruit

recruit, 基于微信小程序的招聘信息分享平台的设计与实现 - 小程序端,使用美团小程序框架mpvue+有赞UI组件库Vant+蚂蚁金服数据可视化方案AntV等。后端基于Spring Boot+MyBatis+Redis+Mysql。部署安装教程点击
Recruit, the design and implementation of recruitment information sharing platform based on WeChat applet - applet side, uses Meituan applet framework mpvue+Youzan UI component library Vant+Ant Financial Services data visualization solution AntV, etc. The backend is based on Spring Boot+MyBatis+Redis+MySQL. Deployment Installation Tutorial Click (2023-05-14, JavaScript, 10680KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] yblog

Yblog, a blog system developed by a sophomore rookie based on the SpringBoot framework, adopts technologies such as SpringBoot, SpringSecurity, Redis, ElasticSearch, rabbitmq, Mybatis, Nginx, etc., mainly achieving blog management and integration (2023-05-14, JavaScript, 32088KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] springBoot-study

springBoot-study,SpringBoot学习的相关工程并辅以博文讲解。主要包括入门的Hello World、自定义配置的获取、集成mybatis的xml和注解使用、集成jpa的使用、集成druid进行项目的监控、事物实战使用, 项目打包、使用logbac...
SpringBoot study involves learning related engineering through SpringBoot, supplemented by blog explanations. Mainly including introductory Hello World, obtaining custom configurations, integrating mybatis XML and annotation usage, integrating jpa usage, integrating druid for project monitoring, practical use of things, project packaging, and using logbac (2023-04-11, JavaScript, 964KB, 下载0次)
