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[网络编程] 项目参考代码

Asp-basedhotel management system,And it can be used in graduation design. (2019-01-10, ASP, 1625KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] ASP+MSSQL搜客美食网整站程序

The entire website source code, very comprehensive application, welcome criticism. (2018-05-02, ASP, 12444KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] 千博电子企业网站系统v2014 Build0610

Chihiro electronic enterprise website system (also known as enterprise website system, enterprise management system, enterprise website template) as CMS for the enterprise products, from the initial design is based on the actual needs of a large number of enterprises based on the user's. We combine the characteristics of enterprise users, designed unique functions, these leading functions make the website based on "Bo Bo electronic enterprise website system" has a strong flavor of the enterprise. (2017-10-21, ASP, 5198KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] anjuke

Home rooms source systems management background template based Bootstrap3.0.0 production, responsive design, adaptive screen resolution, compatible PC and the mobile phone terminal. (2016-06-25, ASP, 689KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] wwwroot

ASP.NET C#做的 酒店管理系统,功能集全,可以直接 应用
ASP.NET C# to do hotel management system, full feature set, can be applied directly (2010-04-10, ASP, 9740KB, 下载81次)


[网络编程] ayabrea

ayabreaayabreaayabreaayabreaayabreaayabrea (2010-03-17, ASP, 2613KB, 下载6次)


[网络编程] 586e

天主在线 门户类,安全性高,修改乔客版本
tianzhuzaixian (2009-10-23, ASP, 1785KB, 下载20次)


[网络编程] zxkf

Embedded in the page code can achieve easy online customer service features (2009-04-08, ASP, 1KB, 下载37次)


[网络编程] fshop

网趣网上购物系统时尚版 V7.8是国内最经典的购物系统,产品功能不断更新扩充以适应时代的需要,众多优秀的功能在国内购物系统领域率先实现,凭借其卓越的管理功能和丰富的人性化设计 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com
Net Fun Fashion online shopping system version V7.8 is the most classic to the system, expansion of product features continually updated to meet the needs of the times, many outstanding features of the system at home to take the lead in realizing the field, by virtue of its excellent management capabilities and rich This article Humanized Design shrimp from off-source http://www.xkxz.com (2008-05-29, ASP, 3241KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] 1019

创易企业网站管理系统v2008后台地址/admin,后台帐号admin密码为admin. 基于asp+access开发, 快速稳定,功能更强大,全站生成html。 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com
Chong Yi Enterprise Management System Web site address v2008 background/admin, background account for the admin password admin. Based on asp+ Access development, rapid stable, more powerful, full-stop to generate html. This article comes from shrimp-off source http://www.xkxz.com (2007-12-23, ASP, 471KB, 下载9次)


[网络编程] down

8款下载系统源代码 2003-3-11 21:37:45 433 949k · 都很常见: 猛虎山庄、燕衔泥(飞扬的软件第二版用的就是他,太简单,不推荐)、蓝芒、xzdown、动网先锋(两个)、FLASH欣赏管理系统(飞扬的闪客岛采用的源代码)、惊云下载(本站现用的下载系统)、惊云下载系统DownASP1.1(原来飞扬曾准备做过一个游戏下载站,用的这种源码
8, download the source code 433949 k 2003-3-11 21:37:45 very common : Tiger Hill, the title mud Yan (Music of the second version of the software is he, too simple and not recommended), Lan Huang, xzdown, dynamic network Pioneer (2) , FLASH appreciate Management System (Music of the Island istalking the source code), panic-downloading (now the site download), panic-download DownASP1.1 (the original dust has been preparing a game downloads station, and use this source (2005-04-26, ASP, 2039KB, 下载17次)


[网络编程] 200307021051oa

Beijing Mandarin Oriental Network Office System (2005-01-10, ASP, 4856KB, 下载62次)
