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[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] NumberPlateReader

The automatic train is in the form of a car, a car, a car, a car, a car, a car, a car, a car, a car, a car, a car, a car, a car, a car, a car, a car, a car, a car, a car, a car, and a car. USB 扱ことか???きす., (2022-04-16, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] FinalProject

We called this project LRNR and it is a text-to-speech program that allows you to search, display and read articles in an audiobook/podcast format using Amazon Polly. LRNR will also allow you to grab trending topics from Google for you to stay on top of current events. LRNR can also guide you with related article suggestions so you will always (2021-04-30, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] biometric-access-control-suprema

伊万·里卡特·博尔赫斯(Ivan Ricart Borges)-使用Suprema API通过crea...
Ivan Ricart Borges - Using the Suprema API to synchronize all workers fingerprints with all biometric devices by creating .NET components to interact with the web platform. Use ActiveX technology to incorporate fingerprint register functionality in web environment. (2021-05-15, C#, 3839KB, 下载0次)
