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[软件设计/软件工程] c课设3

c语言课设,本报告介绍了一个运用C语言开发的用于酒店客户管理系统,通过该系统可以对客户的入住信息进行管理。该系统是在Visual C++集成环境中进行编译、连接和运行的
C language course design (2017-06-14, C#, 232KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] ktv

Advertising demand is growing increasingly developed with the domestic business and consumer environment, digitization, networking, information technology, multimedia advertising machines has become one of the highlights of the advertising media market. With the acceleration of information transmission and the popularity of the network, the stand-alone version of the advertising machine has been difficult to meet the demand of information dissemination. Networked multimedia advertising machines become widely accepted in the market due to the leading edge of technology began to invest in hotels, supermarkets, buildings, and high-income areas of advertising. The networked multimedia advertising machines need a multimedia-on-demand control system to control each ad machine. (2013-01-15, C#, 1624KB, 下载27次)


[软件设计/软件工程] AsapV4_1

开发平台使用说明,方博ASAP V4.000
Development platform for user, Ambits ASAP V4.000 (2011-11-06, C#, 4920KB, 下载6次)


[软件设计/软件工程] HotelArrival

酒店管理系统 入住管理 通过此功能代码 酒店管理人员可帮助客户完成客房入住过程
hotel management system arrival (2009-06-21, C#, 9KB, 下载2次)
