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[Web商城] Online-Hotel-Reservation

该项目是一个使用Entity Framework Core开发的酒店预订系统,提供了管理酒店、房间、房间和服务的功能…
This project is a hotel reservation system developed using Entity Framework Core, providing functionalities for managing hotels, rooms, r… (2024-01-13, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web商城] hotel_booking_system

The guest who enters the hotel can type in their details of booking on a web page (or someone else can enter the details for the guest remotely) and pay with an EFPOS machine which is connected with the Windows system. The system needs to confirm the payment and generate the receipts, also to inform both parties by emails. (2023-01-29, C#, 37803KB, 下载0次)


[Web商城] Hotel_Management_System_CSharp

Work Features of a Manager in Hotel Management System. Login, Universal Search field where the manager can search using any data type, CRUD an entry of a customer, Room Availability & Reservation, Room bill Payment, Food Service (Order food and add to bill), Bill Generation in pdf format (2022-07-26, C#, 2991KB, 下载0次)
