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[系统设计方案] based-on-SVPWMvectorcontrol

为了给变频调速系统提供必要的设计参数,依据空间电压矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)基本原理,介绍了 异步电动机及 SVPWM 算法在 Matlab/Simulink 环境下的建模过程及基于矢量控制理论的变频调速系统动态 模型建立。详细地阐述了实现仿真的方法,并针对仿真中的关键问题及系统的仿真结果进行了分析。仿真结 果表明,采用该控制系统,电压及转矩波动小,转速响应迅速,系统的各项指标都满足电机实际运行特性要 求。其仿真算法对于实现数字化控制变频调速系统具有一定的价值。
To provide the necessary design parameters for the actual motor control system, the modeling course of voltage space vector pulse wide modulation(SVPWM)agrithmetic and AC motor under Matlab/Simulink environment are introduced. The dynamic model of variable frequency speed regulating system based on vector control is discussed according to the principle of SVPWM. The new method of realizing simulation, key problems and results of the simulation are analyzed in detail. The experimental simulation results show that this system has smaller fluctuations of voltage and torque, quicker response speed, and all of the indicators accord with the performance of the actual motor. The simulation agrithmetic have value to realize controlling motor with digital signal processing. (2011-12-04, matlab, 214KB, 下载109次)
