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按分类查找All 超算/并行计算(2) 
按平台查找All matlab(2) 

[超算/并行计算] Parallel-Computing

Ebola sauce s parallel computing toolbox, (2023-06-26, matlab, 0KB, 下载2次)


[超算/并行计算] Analysis--antenna-

从混合位积分方程出发,采用矩量法结合曲线分段的三角基函数和脉冲检 验函数分析了阿基米德平面螺旋天线,给出了输入阻抗,电流分布以及辐射方向图结 果。从曲线形式的海伦积分方程出发结合折线分段的脉冲基函数点匹配法比较结果 与文献[2~4]十分吻合。
In this paper,Archimedean spiral antenna is analyzed using a mixed po— tential integral equation。and the equation is solved by the moment method incorpo— rating with curved piecewise triangle sub—domain basis and pulse testing functions. The numerical results of input impedance,current distributions and radiation pat— terns of Archimedean spiral antenna are presented and have good agreement with the published results in[2~4],where piecewise segmentations were adopted. (2011-04-24, matlab, 240KB, 下载65次)
