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按分类查找All 通讯编程文档(3) 
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[通讯编程文档] EKFslamppt

Kalman filter detailed ppt, through which you can learn more about Bo Kalman filter, and knowledge of robot autonomous localization (2012-02-12, matlab, 9255KB, 下载32次)


[通讯编程文档] DM

增量調製MATLAB源程序代碼。 增量調製編碼解碼波形仿真結果。
DELTA MODULATION (2009-12-03, matlab, 1KB, 下载72次)


[通讯编程文档] OFDMchannelestimate

书文提出了一种称为平均反馈(AF)的新算法.该算法利用两个相邻的 0FDM符号之间的荧联信息对LS算法的估计结果进行平均和反馈.以减少离斯白噪声岛子信道间干扰(1cI)对信道估计结 果的影囔。
The book article proposed one kind is called the average to feed back (AF) the new algorithm. This algorithm uses two neighboring between the 0FDM mark the glimmer to unite the information to carry on the average and the feedback to the LS algorithm estimate result. Reduces to the Si white noise island sub-letter interference between channels (1cI) pair of channel estimates intends the fruit the shade nang. (2009-08-24, matlab, 309KB, 下载13次)
