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[Windows编程] FMEApxjc

潛在失效模式及后果分析,發現、評價產品/過程中潛在的失效及其後果; 找到能夠避免或減少這些潛在失效發生的措施;
Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, discovery, evaluation of product/process failure and its potential consequences can find to avoid or reduce the potential failure of these measures happen (2009-04-08, PPT, 156KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] 030807_1032319795_SQLServer2005_MCTS

E:\Study\Microsoft\MOSS\SQL Server 2005 報表服務
E: StudyMicrosoftMOSSSQL Server 2005 Reporting Services (2007-09-03, PPT, 2482KB, 下载142次)
