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[操作系统开发] 吃水果

经典问题 吃水果问题 使用信号量解决进程同步
classical question fruit eating (2017-12-26, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载7次)


[操作系统开发] jinchengdiaoduFCFS

xianlaixianfu de zuoye diaodu suanfa (2010-11-30, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[操作系统开发] hangbanxitong

该系统需要实现以下功能: (1) 订票:若该航次余票数大于等于客订票数,则在该航次的乘客表(按乘客姓氏字母词典顺序排列)中, 插入订票乘客的信息项,并修改该航次有关数据,否则给出相应提示信息; (2) 退票:若退票数小于该乘客原订票数,则在相应的乘客表中找到该乘客项,修改该航次及乘客表中有关数据。 当由于退票使得该乘客的订票数为零时,要从乘客表中撤销该乘客项;否则给出相应的提示信息; (3) 将某航次的余票数恢复初值为该航次的最大客票数; (4) 显示:显示该机场各航次班机的售票情况。
The system needs to achieve the following functions: (1) Booking: If the voyage than the number of votes greater than or equal passenger booking, cruise passengers in the table (by passengers alphabetical dictionary order) in Items of information into the booking of passengers, and modify the data of the voyage, or give the appropriate message (2) Refund: If the refund is less than the number of votes of the original passengers, passengers in the corresponding entry in the table to find the passengers, the voyage and the passengers to modify the data in the table. When the refund makes the number of passengers booking is zero, from the passenger list of passengers in the revocation of the item otherwise give the corresponding message (3) the recovery of a voyage of more than the initial value for votes in the largest cruise ticket number (4): Displays of the voyage of the airport flight ticket sales. (2010-10-11, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载4次)


[操作系统开发] writeos-1.0-2-weekly

Write your own operating system! YANG Wen-bo' s a good learning experience for the operating system, the books! (2009-12-11, Visual C++, 3256KB, 下载24次)


[操作系统开发] OS_Events_Src

提供OS 開機關機或睡眠等各項資訊的服務。
OS boot to provide various information such as shutdown or sleep services. (2009-11-12, Visual C++, 84KB, 下载3次)


[操作系统开发] 操作系统_作业调

操作系统模拟程序 简单实现作业调度算法(先来先服算法,短作业优先算法,高响应比算法)
operating system simulation program to achieve a simple scheduling algorithm (first-come first-served algorithm, short operating priority algorithm, a high response ratio algorithm) (2005-05-24, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载107次)
