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[SQL Server] hotelgualiVC6PSQL

The hotel is calendar system based on VC6+ SQL database system design (2012-04-22, Visual C++, 835KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] ManagerialSysteminhotel

宾馆酒店管理系统。在VS2008下CLR平台下的编程。与MFC类似,运用SQL sever数据库,实现系统管理。
Hotel management system. Under the VS2008 CLR programming platform. Similar with MFC, using SQL sever databases, to achieve system management. (2010-05-28, Visual C++, 7422KB, 下载17次)


[SQL Server] jiudianguanli

This good hotel management procedure, SQL2000 needs (2010-05-20, Visual C++, 2557KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] HOTEL

Using the MFC framework, and SqlServer2000 database, using ADO database connectivity, to achieve a simple hotel management system, absolute original, has certain reference value. (2010-05-15, Visual C++, 24352KB, 下载20次)


[SQL Server] Hotel

小型的酒店管理系统 实现了订房 查房呢 对方等一把功能
Small-scale hotel management system does the rounds each other, such as booking a function of (2009-06-15, Visual C++, 2094KB, 下载2次)


[SQL Server] Hotel_MIS

Most hotels provide a wide range of services, the size varies, but a bit of the size of the hotel will contain the following three categories of services: catering, accommodation and entertainment. The hotel industry because we do not have a specific contact and substantive understanding. The database design can only be collected in a number of basic materials and personal intuitive understanding, easy to imitate the design of medium-sized hotel management system, and its abstraction into a composition by the three departments to achieve the three major service system (2009-02-19, Visual C++, 75KB, 下载7次)


[SQL Server] VSHotel

VS2005(C++)写的宾馆酒店管理系统,非常好用,含数据库,登录密码是:123456 数据库的用户名是:sa 密码是:1 你可以在源码中改!我试了是可以运行的。
VS2005 (C++) written in hotel management system, very easy to use, including databases, login password is: 123456 database user name is: sa password is: one you can change the source! Yes I tried to run the. (2009-02-15, Visual C++, 9194KB, 下载596次)


[SQL Server] jiudianguanlichouxiangban

一个简单的酒店管理系统,SQL server Visual c# 2005
A simple hotel management system, SQL server Visual c# 2005 (2008-12-25, Visual C++, 208KB, 下载14次)


[SQL Server] hotelmanagement

Hotel management system, sql for the vc++ Database System Programming (2008-09-12, Visual C++, 1154KB, 下载18次)


[SQL Server] 27796710jiudianguanli

酒店管理系统 支持SQL 比较齐全 希望下载
Hotel management system to support relatively complete SQL want to download (2008-06-14, Visual C++, 1229KB, 下载8次)


[SQL Server] RMS

数据库文件rms.mdb导入SQL server中。酒店业务管理系统
Rms.mdb import database files in SQL server. Hotel Operations Management System (2008-01-11, Visual C++, 131KB, 下载7次)
